Sunday, November 10, 2019

Why go on if I see no purpose in life?

Why go on if I see no purpose in life?

Most religious people get their reason for living from someone else. In that, they are living outside-in. I spent 35 years living like that until I got so overwhelmed by trying to keep the 600+ Hebrew/Christian commandments plus my job plus my family that I became suicidal at age 48. I got back on track with the help of four things: a good therapist, some meds for my natural some what dysfunctional brain chemistry, a willingness to re-examine deeply my beliefs about the way the world is, and an unconditionally loving wife. I decided to live more inside-out and created my own purpose in life which became “to help people find themselves.” 

That began with me-I’ve had three last names. That purpose is at the core of all my activity with my wife, children, students, consulting clients, and the readers of my cases, tech notes, blogs, and books. I discovered that purpose in life is something we create rather than find or wait to be told. Some despair is a function of brain chemistry which we didn’t ask for. Ditto for early childhood experiences and lessons. There is much beauty and ugliness, kindness and cruelty, good and evil in the world. If we can focus on the former, not the latter, and find what gives us “resonance” or “flow”, and then create our own reason/purpose to continue, in my experience, life becomes interesting , exciting, and fulfilling again. I encourage you to reflect deeply on this, to read my book A Song of Humanity: a Science-based Alternative to the Worlds Scriptures — especially the books of VABEs, Self, and Families therein—and to draft inside-out a tentative purpose for your life before you make any precipitous decisions. 

I have asked myself the same question. I hope my experience will have some small benefit for you.  Create your purpose.  Best wishes.  Big hug.  Posted on Quora.

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