Sunday, November 10, 2019

Measuring the Value of an MBA

How does one measure the value of an MBA? 

I see many measures:
  1. The eye-opening growing awareness of how the economic world works.
  2. The daily opportunity to practice persuading your classmates.
  3. The opportunity to met and build relationships with a lot of very accomplished people.
  4. The number of attractive companies who come there to recruit.
  5. The average starting salary of graduates.
  6. The percentage of graduates who have jobs at graduation.
  7. The average size of alumni annual donations (as a measure of their financial success and loyalty).
  8. The number of C-level alumni in Fortune Global 500.
  9. The percentage of alumni who say their lives were significantly enriched by attending.
  10. The number of books written by faculty that you'd want to read.
  11. The percentage of classes based on student active case discussions.
  12. The number of faculty with Nobel Prizes.
  13. Investment in their entrepreneurial incubator.
  14. Quality of their international student experiences.
  15. The loan payback ratio.
Find the index of those given your priority assessments for each and I'd say you had a reasonable measure of the value of an MBA to you.
Good luck with your choice.  Posted on Quora.

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