Sunday, July 5, 2020

What is your experience being a CEO?


  1. No matter what you decide someone will be angry and critical. This goes along with the job. Don’t take it personally.
  2. People want to see you and talk with you. Visit, walk around, be there.
  3. People crave Purpose and Vision. What are we doing here? Where are we going? Must have a clear CHARTER. see my website at Level Three Leadership
  4. Clarify your VABEs. This helps everyone make better more aligned decisions.
  5. Meet regularly with your managers of managers. Have a clear protocol of what you are measuring. Make sure those measures are aligned with each other and your Expectations.
  6. Give frequent on-point talks to groups here and there. Let them see you and hear you.
  7. Be kind in disciplinary cases so long as core VABEs are not being completely violated. Cruelty instills fear; you want love and dedication. Fear produces low energy while dedication unleashes latent energy.
  8. If core VABEs are being violated, you have to make changes. Rotten apples are contagious.
  9. Smile. Be cheerful. Be optimistic. Be upbeat. Attitude is infectious.
  10. Manage the culture. Culture is a set of shared VABEs. It’s all about VABEs. Talk with people about how we do things and why. Encourage people to examine their VABEs and to Keep good ones, Lose dysfunctional ones, and Add better ones.
  11. Don’t assume your managers are doing “okay.” The answer “No problem!” should instill concern. Dig below the platitudes. Get the actual data/numbers.
  12. Always pitch in when there’s work to do, don’t sit back and watch others work. Elbow to elbow, you get respect and keep your own tendencies to hierarchy in check.
  13. Remember, it’s not about you. It’s about building the community and enriching the members. Seek to leave each relationship and each unit and each division better than you found it. Don’t fall in love with the benefits—work hard for the Purpose/Mission and Vision. NOT for your comfort. 
  14. Manage your health.  If you strive for your Vision, your family, health and peace of mind can suffer.  Manage yourself and your energies.  

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