Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Shame on Republicans

As an Independent with policy preferences that align on both sides of the aisle, I have become ashamed of the behavior of the Republican Party.  I used to a member.  My shame began when I heard retiring Senator Orrin Hatch say on national TV that whether POTUS was committing crimes or not, he didn't care, since he was doing a "good job." 

The Republican behavior presently with the impeachment and trial of POTUS to withhold information, deny witnesses, and to follow lock-step with a personality regardless of principles of obedience to the law, truth vs. lies, separation of Church and State, and moral demeanor just perplexes and amazes me.  It's reminiscent of the personality cult that emerged in Germany in the 1930's wherein by intimidation, subterfuge, and nefarious goals to accumulate power, the populace became subservient to a megalomaniac. 

I have become ashamed of the behavior of the Republican Party.  I listened to a Republican congressman from my own state declare that no matter what the Democrats proposed, even if it was good for the country, the Republicans would fight it. 

This kind of behavior is why people lose faith in their government.  When did Party become more important than Country?  Was it Newt Gingrich's efforts? 

I remain an Independent.  I find much to eschew on both sides--and the stated behavior of the Republicans during this past three years has been, I say, deplorable. 

People say, well, look at the economy.  Yes, let's.  The stock market is performing well.  But the average wage earner is not doing well.  Divisiveness has risen.  Hate crimes are on the rise. 

I'm amazed that people want to support those who lie, cheat, threaten, fire, intimidate, and pre-judge other ethnic groups.  At the base, we are all homo sapiens.  At the detailed level, we are all individuals.  In between, the efforts of ethnic groups, religions, political parties and others to point out and create bias against others are pushing us backward in history. 

Country first.  "In Truth We Trust."  Find the facts, illuminate the facts, and make decisions based on the facts and your moral principles.  DO NOT trust charismatic individuals.  Put your trust in principles.  Truth.  Law.  Constitution.  The commonality of all homo sapiens. 

By the way, read A Song of Humanity:  A Science-Based Alternative to the World's Scriptures  Each chapter ends with questions not dogma.  By what principles do you live your life?  By what principles do the Republican Congressmen and Senators live their lives?  It seems as Senate Majority Leader declared, they are in step with POTUS no matter what he does, abdicating their principles and loyalties. 

So sad.  I'm ashamed of them.  

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